El Emi con Canti. Listen here!
Hope you like!
From Bendollo (Quiroga, Lugo), today comes out the first work of our brother, friend and fellow adventurer, Canti. The title of it is "Paso a lo desconocido".
This work has the collaboration of Pablo (a.k.a. Pablo, by Santa Compaña) in tracks 1 (scratch), 4 and 10; and you can listen them in the player of this website.
The section design of the project (cover, back cover and CD label) also borne by Pablo.
The entire job can listen through on Canti's SoundCloud profile and you can download it from this website, in the download section or by clicking the image below:
Hope you like!
Despite the difficulties to play a concert together, on the anniversary of Quiroga's Pub Taj Mahal, we'll give a concert there on Saturday 15 February.
The night starts at 00:30 (am 16) and admission is free. But the party does not end there, just for attending you will be invited to a free shot glass.
Also, at midnight, a anniversary's special bingo will be celebrated with great prizes (more details Pub Taj Mahal).
Don't miss it!
New solo track by Emi, titled "Porque me apetece". You can listen to it in the player into this website and in our soundcloud account. Comming soon you also will be able to download it in the download section.
New collaboration of Emi in the Jk1's mixtape "Neptune's Poetry". The title of the song is "El bando ganador" and you can download it in download section of this website and listen it here.
New demo by Emi, under the a.k.a. El Emi. The title of the work is "Evolución" and it was recorded in Málaga, in the study sala 8 during the months of April and May this year.
The work consists of 8 songs, with the collaboración of Pablo in track 7. It is available in download section of this website.
After the unexpected closure of the service Megaupload, links to our demos were left disabled. They are already relocated and the page works normally. Greetings to everyone who is interested and apologies for any inconvenience.
Interview by Jose Montero to Santa Compaña on the website galiciaflow. Inside Entrevistas 2011 section.
New demo by El Cos y Marcos-F "Negocios en vicios recios". It colaborates Pablo (Santa Compaña) in two tracks. You can download the full demo from the download section.
(There aren't any concert soon)